Showing 151 - 175 of 306 Results
Steamships and Their Story by Chatterton, Edward Keble ISBN: 9781146773683 List Price: $39.75
Church of England a Portion of Christ's One Holy Catholic Church, and a Means of Restoring V... by Keble, John, Pusey, Edward ... ISBN: 9781149102411 List Price: $35.75
Ten sermons during a retreat for clergy and a mission for the people : at S. Saviour's Churc... by Keble, John, Pusey, Edward ... ISBN: 9781117102856 List Price: $26.99
Ten Sermons During a Retreat for Clergy and a Mission for the People : At S. Saviour's Churc... by Keble, John, Pusey, Edward ... ISBN: 9781117102849 List Price: $33.75
Q-Ships and their Story by E. Keble (Edward Keble), Ch... ISBN: 9781113168047 List Price: $25.99
Q-Ships and their Story by E. Keble (Edward Keble), Ch... ISBN: 9781113168054 List Price: $26.99
John Keble by BADDATA, Edward F. Wood ISBN: 9781115030427 List Price: $26.75
Christian Idea of Sin and Original Sin in the Light of Modern Knowledge : Being the Pringle-... by Bicknell, Edward John ISBN: 9781341387395 List Price: $22.95
Sermons on the Litany, the Church One, Catholic, Apostolic and Holy, and the Communion of Sa... by Keble, John, Pusey, Edward ... ISBN: 9781347349151 List Price: $23.95
Tracts for the Times : By Members of the University of Oxford, Volume 2, Part 1 by Keble, John, John Henry New... ISBN: 9781348024323 List Price: $25.95
Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, Anterior to the Division of the East and Wes... by Pusey, Edward Bouverie, Keb... ISBN: 9781348122111 List Price: $28.95
Tracts for the Times : By Members of the University of Oxford, Volume 5 by Keble, John, John Henry New... ISBN: 9781345962482 List Price: $30.95
Tracts for the Times, Volume 3 by Pusey, Edward Bouverie, Keb... ISBN: 9781345837230 List Price: $30.95
Occasional Papers and Reviews by Keble, John, Pusey, Edward ... ISBN: 9781346321707 List Price: $30.95
Keble's Lectures on Poetry, 1832-1841 Volume 1 by Keble, John, Francis, Edwar... ISBN: 9781346670959 List Price: $28.95
Keble's Lectures on Poetry, 1832-1841 Volume 2 by Keble, John, Francis, Edwar... ISBN: 9781346671734 List Price: $29.95
Ten Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford Between 1864-1879 : Now Collected into ... by Pusey, Edward Bouverie ISBN: 9781346737508 List Price: $29.95
Down Channel in the Vivette by Chatterton, E. Keble (Edwar... ISBN: 9781361950364 List Price: $25.95
Marvels of the Ship; the Story of the Development of the Ship from the Earliest Times by Chatterton, E. Keble (Edwar... ISBN: 9781373979476 List Price: $25.95
Keble's Lectures on Poetry, 1832-1841; Volume 1 by Keble, John 1792-1866, Fran... ISBN: 9781374084223 List Price: $28.95
Keble's Lectures on Poetry, 1832-1841; Volume 1 by Keble, John 1792-1866, Fran... ISBN: 9781374084216 List Price: $18.95
Blessed Are the Meek : A Sermon, Preached at the Opening of the Chapel of Keble College, on ... by Pusey, Edward Bouverie ISBN: 9780265384312 List Price: $24.72
Captain John Smith by Chatterton, Edward Keble ISBN: 9780598585486 List Price: $101.70
Q-Ships and Their Story by Chatterton, Edward Keble ISBN: 9798622213687
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